Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A Game of Thrones: The beginning

I am about 100 pages into the first book in the series, A Game of Thrones. So far it's proving to be a very good read. As far as I can tell this series is about a group of medieval families, lords, kinds, and royal families alike, all vying for the rule of the land. This series is definite a step up from any other science fiction/fantasy novels that I have read. Although it's length is daunting (over 800 pages) thus far it appears to be a promising read. Something of note within this novel is that each chapter is given in another characters perspective, so you learn the plot and story through various perspectives; allowing the reader to be involved in the action, rather than just reading what one character is telling you. This also creates for some very interesting dramatic irony- you may be hearing or seeing one thing from one character that directly relates to another character who is thus far ignorant. My only warning when choosing to read this series is that there are many names and families, that frankly sound rather similar, and the dialect is fairly hard to get used to. However, after the first few chapters I found it was much easier to keep the different families and their respective lands straight. Read this book! Let me know what you think! Happy reading....


  1. Which family is your favorite so far?

  2. The Stark family is my favorite, but John Snow is my favorite character.

  3. Go Lannisters! :) Okay, maybe just Jaime and Tyrion, hahaha.

  4. I need to read this one. I hope they re show the series so I can catch up.
